
31 Gennaio 23 Articolo

Azione pubblicità avvio PNRR Aule Digitale 4.0

timbro_01Azione-pubblicità- avvio-PNRR Aule Digitale 4.0 – M.4C.1.docx

31 Gennaio 23 Articolo

Annullamento corso musicale per il giorno 31 Gennaio.

Con la presente si comunica che per cause di forza maggiore il corso musicale previsto per il giorno 31 Gennaio2023 è stato annullato.
Cordiali saluti

30 Gennaio 23 Articolo

Prove attitudinali ammissione corso musicale per A.S.2023-2024

timbro_Circolare prove attitudinali ammissione corso musicale per A.S.2023-2024 (98 kB)

28 Gennaio 23 Articolo

Classi connesse: potenziata la rete cablata dell’I.C.S. Bagheria IV Aspra

Il nostro istituto, in seguito al completamento e alla messa in funzione dei lavori di rete locale cablata e wireless, ha raggiunto l’obiettivo di rendere più efficace la didattica scolastica e maggiormente rispondente ai mutati bisogni educativi e didattici grazie a questi interventi coordinati e sinergici con il Piano Nazionale per la Scuola Digitale promosso […]

27 Gennaio 23 Articolo

How to Write Essays – Tips For Pupils

Learning how to write essays requires more than simply studying the proper rules for doing so. In case you have not yet found how to write essays, then it’d be a good idea to have a look at some sample essays that others have written and have an notion of exactly what”formal” and”business-like” essays would […]

27 Gennaio 23 Articolo

How to Write an Essay Which Resembles a Masterpiece

The moment you get started composing your essay, you will encounter that the hardest part is probably the essay writing. So, you must be fully aware of the way the essay should look and how you want to write the subject of the essay. You want to be aware of the whole process so as […]

27 Gennaio 23 Articolo

Essay Writing Services – Enhance Your Academic Performance

If you are contemplating writing a the erro ortografico corretorsis, research papers, report, or dissertation, then you will are looking for the appropriate essay writing services to help you. There are a lot of businesses that offer high quality and affordable writing services to the general public. Together with the availability of various writing applications, […]

27 Gennaio 23 Articolo

Cheap Essays and Research Papers

Cheap Essays online is an online based company that deals with different kinds of academic writing duties. If you are not in the mood to compose yet know the importance of essay english grammar check writing, then this is the company that may help you out. It has many cheap essay topics which could be […]

27 Gennaio 23 Articolo

How to Buy Essay Online – Discover 3 Easy Steps

Did you know that you can learn how to get article online? In this brief article I will teach you the fundamentals so you can start buying essays.
If you are aware about how to buy article online, then you are going to be creating some incredible discoveries. But first things first. To start with […]

27 Gennaio 23 Articolo

A brief overview of Gambling websites

What is online casino that takes mastercard a bonus offered by online gambling sites? How does it help the individual player and the owner of the site? In this article, we will look at a few of the various elements that form a welcome bonus for online gamblers.
